Cyber violence is amounting to physical abuse against women

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The rapid use of mobile data and easy access to the internet has led to the emergence of cyber violence against women. Accordance to the UN new report cyber violence is damaging women as like physical violence. As per the estimate report conducted by the UN women & UN commissioner, 73% of women go through cyber violence. UN defined gender-based violence as any act which harms women as physically, mentally or any other way, cyberspace is an extended way to harm women, which includes cyber stalking, morphing, revenge pornography, disturbing comments, fake accounts, and harassment. Not only are the limited ways, cyber contacts has led to off-line abuse as well. For example, misrepresentation is a common occurrence on online like someone usually represents themselves as being nicer or most desirable than they are or pretending themselves which they are not. Once a girl called Roksana Rahman, she applied for a part-time job through online, which was a fake portal, they called her over the phone and gave her an address, after she went to that place, and she got raped. It is the sort of story which gives parents nightmares. Where cyberspace being a blessing to the world, on the other hand, it becomes a dangerous space for women and children because of a lack of safety and concern. Cyber touch can be as harmful as physical touch. Parents and society should be more careful about their girl’s safety in cyberspace, If it is not acceptable for themselves that someone is disturbing their girls and children in the school, street or somewhere else, than they shouldn’t tolerate this as well. Ignoring, blaming or keep them away from cyberspace is not the solution. We should learn what are the legal remedies? What is the procedure to lodge a cybercrime or harassment? Learn about the helplines, safety measures and the most important thing our safety lies in our hands so we should also be very careful about the use of cyberspace.



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