Online violence is an ultimatum against the women safety in Bangladesh

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Online violence against women is an undisguised pronouncement of gender discrimination which equally exists offline as well, it is in virtual doesn’t make it less important or severe. Usage of internet expanding day by day and it becomes part and parcel of human existence and, censorious extent for the marginalized population to upraise their voice. It is become predominant to make online space safe and secure and eliminate all the hindrance in the way of her freedom as well as her basic human rights. More ever 40% of people in Bangladesh appraise physical abuse be the only violence against women as per the survey conducted by Brac. Around 25% of people have apprehension that cyber should be renounce from publishing the identity of victims. Because it constitutes a gross situation for the victim. There are many ways by which women can be harassed in cyberspace, we don’t know the exact image of cyber harassment. some cases like, In 2014, at the occasion of Pohela Boishak, in the area of TSC something very scandalized incident happened, Not only many of the people were on internet rationalized but also justifying their act and direct threat of rape and also make remarks like if they show their skin we will touch them Then a girl named Rita Haq when she was in class nine, she had an online video chat via Skype with her one of the close male friends, she couldn’t realize whether he was drunk or not, he started to show his private parts because they had so many common friends that’s why she didn’t tell anyone out of fear of being blamed.
A girl she was doing her O levels, because of refusing dating proposal a group of boys harassed her by morphing her pictures and outspread that, her friends and brother blamed her and she didn’t go to school for a couple of weeks, everyone was looking at her like a slut and assumed
her a girl with bad character.
Hate speech is another to harass any women, who have particular political beliefs and strong public opinions, lucky Akhter and Sharmin both of the women were played a vital role in the Shahbag movement, they were abused both offline and online by verbal abuse, hate speech, picture morphing. Internet begins to be a useful weapon for perpetrators to harass women to hide behind the computer. There are so many incidents happening like a person may take or collect someone’s picture from any website of the internet whether Facebook, Instagram or any other social media site and upload that picture in any porn site just to humiliate her, if that picture was taken from Facebook after you found it and reported to Facebook, she got a response there is no sign of violation of any community rules, it has no security. By using a girl’s picture to create a fake account is a usual affair in Bangladesh. The viewpoint of seeing women and the theory of patriarchy should be the change in our society. Besides a mind-set of being escaped from punishment after the crime, this is an elemental cause behind increasing the rate of cybercrime. Lack of proper execution of law and security in cyberspace constructs this perspective among the people.

1.Daily star, Violence Against Women: Not all forms recognised,
2.Dhaka tribune, 4 years on, no progress in Pohela Boishakh sexual harassment trial,
3.Daily star, Digital Sexual Harassment in Digital Bangladesh society where violence against women in private and public spaces goes unpunished, is it any wonder that sexual harassment in the cyber domain continues to be firewalled? ,
4.Akib Raihan, Cyber harassment and women in Bangladesh,



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